Are You Feeling Stress in Life?

Life doesn’t remain always. It’s all about changing everyday. Some changes bring happiness in life, and some bring sorrow, uneasiness, complications in life. These changes could be at your workplace, relationships, health related, children related, etc. If you are getting affected by anything negative in your life causing you more stress, you can take divine guidance using Tarot Card Reading. So don’t wait, give me a call right now…

Type of Questions You May Ask!

Children Related
  • Will my Son/Daughter get admission in this (name of the institution) college?                  Vineet Sakhuja Tarot Card Reader
  • Will my Son/Daughter go for love/arrange marriage?
  • Will my Son/Daughter get Visa/Green Card?
  • Will my Son/Daughter come back from abroad?
  • When can my Son/Daughter get a job?

Note: These are just sample questions, your question may vary, so don’t hesitate to ask questions that you may not found listed here.

Profession Related
  • Will I get job in this (name of the company) company?
  • Will I get promotion this year?
  • Will I go abroad in future for work/job?
  • Will I get transfer to my native place?
  • How will this year be professionally?
  • Professional tips for this year?
  • Professional tips for this month?
  • How will my staff person (name of any specific member or 2/3 members) perform?
  • Out of 2/3 members (names), whom should I send for Business Tour to close the deal?
  • Out of 2/3 members, whom should I send to any specific state (name of the state/country) for getting more business?
  • Which state/country is better for my salesperson to work and give best performance?
  • When can I get a new job?
  • Will I ever get a satisfactory job?
  • Is this the right time to change my job?
  • If I look for changing my job now, will I get a better opportunity?
  • I have got two different job offers (with name of the companies), which one should I join?


Note: These are just sample questions, your question may vary, so don’t hesitate to ask questions that you may not found listed here.

Marital Life Related
  • Should I marry him/her (name of the person)?
  • Is the person I am in a relationship with my soulmate?
  • Will my parents give permission for love marriage?
  • How will my marital life be?
  • Should I go for treatment for Childbirth?
  • Have I been cursed (Sarp Dosha) in the past life, which is causing delay in progeny?
  • Will my IVF treatment be successful this time?
  • Will I get married again (Second Marriage)?

Note: These are just sample questions, your question may vary, so don’t hesitate to ask questions that you may not found listed here.

Miscellaneous Questions
  • I have misplaced an article (like ring/jewelry, any document, etc.); will I be able to find it? is it in home or outside?
  • My Son/Daughter/Husband/Wife/Dad/Mother/Brother/Sister has gone missing, when will he/she come back, is he/she in good health?
  • My relative (name and relation) has been admitted to hospital for surgery, is their any threat to life, or things will be all good as expected?
  • Do I need to go for operation for (name of the surgery/body part like Breast Cancer, Kidney Transplant, etc)? What can be done or what are the possible alternatives that I should try?
  • Will I recover from disease (name of the disease) in future?

Note: These are just sample questions, your question may vary, so don’t hesitate to ask questions that you may not found listed here.

Full Year Prediction
  • Full year prediction covers 3 or 4 areas u want to know
  • Professional or career growth (if working) or in general
  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationship(all things will be discussed in detail, what problem if any is there can come? What can be done to overcome it. Precautions)

Note: These are just sample questions, your question may vary, so don’t hesitate to ask questions that you may not found listed here.



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Choose Your Tarot Consultation

Health Reading

Good health is the real wealth. A good health is a blessing.
By Tarot, we can be aware of upcoming health problem and so can take required precautionary steps to prevent or reduce them. It can help us by guiding us to maintain balance in life. If health is not good, one may suffer in life in different ways, one may suffer in profession or one can suffer in married life or love life or person may not be able to achieve what he/she desires for. जान है तो जहान है
INR 2000 or $30

Education Reading

A good education is considered essential to achieve success in life. At times kids/students are confused which subject is better for them. A decision is considered good if it’s taken on time. So better to avoid confusion. With this reading you’ll be able to understand what’s good for you education wise to live a prosperous life ahead.
Even in case if marriage, every partner wants partner to be well educated.
INR 2000 or $30

Profession Career Reading

Get tarot reading about your profession. With this reading you’ll be able to understand what things you should do to enhance your career and what obstacles you may face in career in near future. You can also know about business partner if working in partnership, or planning to get into partnership with someone. Get your SWOT analysis.
INR 2000 or $30

Matchmaking, Love Relationship by Tarot Card Reading

If you are looking to know about the compatibility between you and your chosen to-be-partner, then this report is meant for you. In this report, a detailed matchmaking between the to-be-couple will be done, which will show physical, emotional and financial compatibility. With this consultation, you can also know the worst problems you may face in your marital life in advance.

INR 2500 or $40

Wealth and Investment Report

People are running to earn wealth. At times We in life makes wrong decision on investments due to which we may suffer loss. if you are planning to invest, is it a worthwhile investment
Tarot can guide you best.
INR 2000 or $30

Kid’s Report

For parents Kids are everything. This reports covers up how we should deal with our child. What our child needs.
INR 2000 OR $30

Hand symbol number 1+1=2, isolated on white background

Combo Report (1 + 1)

In this report, you can choose any of the two tarot reading services listed above, and you’ll end up getting clear idea about your problems, and how to overcome the obstacles in those areas of life, along with saving money you’ll be spending otherwise on choosing individual tarot consultation service.

INR 2900 or $49

Math Blackboard Concept

Tri-Tarot Service Pack

In this report, you can choose any of the three tarot reading services listed above, and you’ll end up getting clear idea about your problems, and how to overcome the obstacles in those areas of life, along with saving money you’ll be spending otherwise on choosing individual tarot consultation service.

INR 3200 or $54

Varshphala (Year Report)

If you are looking to know how your coming one year would be, then this report is a perfect suit for you. In this report, you’ll be able to ask questions that you think are of prime importance to make your life more better in terms of the problem are in or the things that are bothering your mind from quite sometime.

INR 2900 or $49

If you want face to face reading online, we can provide you the same on Facebook or Skype.

If you have any doubts or in case if you want any clarification, you can e-mail us at [email protected]

Time and Date can be mutually decided.

If you reside outside India, you can pay us via paypal here: