Professional Tarot Learning Course
The Tarot Course Details
Once you enroll for Tarot Card Reading Course, we will provide you Professional Tarot Reading Course in which we explain our students the meaning of each and every tarot card and then you become eligible for level two course that is Advanced Tarot Course in which we cover the below mentioned points.
- Personalized Tarot Spreads.
- How to interpret the cards according to Advance Method.
- Which spreads to use according to the situation.
- Experiencing the Tarot Card Energies.
- Become convenient with Card Energies.
- Providing Live Practical Tarot Sessions.
- Remedies by Tarot.
- Once you complete both levels, we give Certificate for Completing Tarot Card Reading Course from Tarot School of India (LLP).
Tarot is a blessing from God Tarot is a deck containing 78 cards. Each card has some symbols , number and image drawn on it.
Tarot cards has been used over the centuries to help and give guidance. Tarot can help you to understand and deal with particular problem/situation in a better way. Tarot also helps in bringing awareness and helps in making right decision at the right time.
In Tarot Reading, our approach toward these cards matters a lot, like how to spread them, how to keep them, how to interpret the meaning of cards on different occasion. In general, the beginners in Tarot Card Reading believe that it’s they who choose the card. However, it’s never like that, instead, it’s the card that chooses you to pick it up. It’s the consciousness that plays an important role and cards pope up.
Accuracy in Tarot is determined by the Clarity of question, ability and knowledge of the tarot reader to judge what cards indicate at that time for question asked.
Tarot reader must know the meaning of every card in depth, and the environment surroundings. Each card position in a spread carries a particular meaning.
The entire Tarot Cards deck contains 78 cards in total. Out of these 78 cards, 22 cards are known as Major Arcana cards (Greater Secrets), starting from ‘The Fool’ to ‘The world’ card. The remaining 56 Minor Arcana cards (Lesser Secrets) consists of 40 pip cards and 16 court or people cards.
The 40 pip cards are further divided into four suits, which includes; Wands, Pentacles, Swords, and Cups. Each of the four suits contains ten cards.
At last, the remaining 16 court cards consists of Page, Knight, Queen and King of above 4 suits.
It will help you in gaining insight in Tarot cards more and help in gaining confidence.
This spread help you in determining where you are standing, what problem you are facing, what can be done to overcome it and how to improve and enjoy relationship.
It’s a 10 card spread which helps you to deep dive into the ocean of Tarot Reading in determining the entire situation/problem a person is in related to his/her questions.
There are some rules and ethics that must be followed while giving tarot reading which will be taught to you in this course along with in-detailed study of all the things listed above.
If you are interested in learning Tarot Cards, you can call us directly, or fill up the contact form, and one of our course coordinators will get in touch with you at the earliest.
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Mr Vineet Sakhuja awarded by Neha Dhupia for “Best Tarot Card Teacher & Best Tarot Card Reader“