Divorce of Brad and Angelina: Astrological Analysis
In this article, I have shared my astrological analysis of Divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt horoscopes has been discuss here.
Brad Pitt is am American Actor and film producer. He has received multiple awards, including global awards and academy awards for acting. From 2000 to 2005, he was married to actress Jennifer Aniston.
Angelina Jolie is an American Actress, filmmaker and humanitarian also. She was been named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress twice. She has also won Three Golden Globe awards.
From 2014 to 2019, Brad pitt was married to Angelina Jolie have six children, three of whom were adopted internationally.
Astrological analysis of Divorce from Angelina Jolie Horoscope:
See all the astrological parameters/analysis of Divorce from Angelina Jolie horoscope. To see this, we must see Seventh house, Seventh lord in birth and Navamsha Chart and also Venus.
Angelina Jolie Birth Chart Details:
04 June 1975
09.09 hrs
Los Angeles
- Angelina Jolie is Cancer ascendant. For Cancer Ascendant, they may face issues in their marriage life as Saturn is not just seventh house lord but also eight house lord.
- In Angelina Jolie Birth Chart, three planets are in Trushit Awastha that is Moon (Ascendant Lord), Mars (Fifth and Tenth House Lord), Jupiter (sixth and ninth house lord) which is not good.
- In Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie, seventh house lord is Saturn which is placed in the twelfth house which is not consider good. As twelfth house is the house of losses.
- Seventh house lord Saturn recieves aspect of Mars. Saturn and Mars mutual aspect is not consider good and involves seventh house lord.
- From Venus, Seventh house lord is Saturn which is again in twelfth house but also recieves aspect of Mars. It’s under malefic influence.
- There are 36 bindu points in seventh house in from Ascendant in Angelina Jolie Birth Chart which is quite strange reason as it makes that house strong. That’s why when earlier relationship didn’t work out, she still gets love partner.
- Moon is mind. It’s conjunct with Mars which makes person short temper. Moreover, its conjunct with sixth house lord Jupiter also. Plus all recieves aspect of Saturn.
- In Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie, fifth house recieves aspect of Sun and Rahu is present in fifth house.
Angelina Jolie Navamsha Chart
- In Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie, eight house lord is placed in the seventh house.
- Saturn aspects own house that is seventh house in Navamsha Chart, but its sixth house lord again.
- In Navamsha Chart, Sun and Mars are in mutual aspect. Sun in eleventh house and Mars in fifth house. Three points above(including this point) makes her aggressive in nature. Plus there is Unmad Yoga also there. Which means she can take decision very quickly in anger state. Remember Saturn is seventh house as well as eight house lord. Moon and Mars are again conjunct together in Navamsha Chart.
- Problem might have started in the Dasha of Venus – Ketu after July’2014. In Birth Chart, Ketu is conjunct with second house lord Sun as well as with Mercury(Third and Twelfth house Lord). Main Problem is in Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie. Ketu is in the eight house in Navamsha Chart – house of secrets and its dispositor is Jupiter placed in the Seventh house, that’s why marriage continued. But Ketu also recieves aspect of hardcore planet Mars. Plus this Ketu is in eight house from Maha Dasha Lord Venus and recieves aspect of Mercury Retro.
- From June 2015, there was clear indication of Problem in Marriage Life of Angelina Jolie and Brad pitt. Dasha during that time period of Angelina Jolie Aquarius- Pisces. From Aquarius Dara Karka – Venus is in sixth house which is house of Dispute. Antardasha was of Pisces. From Pisces- Mars (Gyati Karka) aspects the seventh house that is Virgo. Pisces had itself – Gyati Karka Mars in it.
- Sun Maha Dasha began from Sept ’15. Sun is conjunct with twelfth house lord – Mercury in Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie.
- In Navamsha Chart, Sun recieves aspect of Moon – twelfth house lord. Following all Ad’s – Moon, Mars, Rahu are conjunct with sixth house lord Jupiter in birth chart and recieves aspect of Saturn also. After Ad of Rahu, comes Ad’s of Jupiter and Saturn which are already discussed above.
Divorce from Brad Pitt Horoscope
Brad Pitt Birth Chart Details
Astrological analysis of Divorce from Angelina Jolie Horoscope:
- Brad Pitt has five planets in fiery sign.
- Ascendant Lord and Moon are in fiery sign.
- Fifth house lord is well placed as in own sign but recieves aspect of Mars as well as Saturn.
- From Moon, Mind fifth house lord is Mars again in fiery sign.
- All above indicates that he may anger issues and more than Angelina Jolie.
- From Venus, seventh house lord is Moon which is in twelfth house from Venus. Its conjunct with Sun, Mars, Ketu and Mercury.
- In Navamsha Chart of Brad Pitt, Seventh house lord is Mercury which recieves aspect of malefic planets Sun and Saturn.
- Moon is Eight house lord aspects seventh house in Navamsha Chart of Brad Pitt.
- Dasha was of Jupiter – Mars. Mars is sixth house lord – house of disputes aspecting fifth house – house of children. Court case going on and is related to custody of child also.
- Things got worst between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in the period of Pisces – Gemini. From Gemini- Dara Karka Venus is in eight house and Gyati Karka Sun is in seventh house. In this time period, clashes took place between them and Divorce process began.
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