Angelina Jolie Horoscope – Birth Chart
Angelina Jolie is an American Hollywood Actress and Humanitarian. She has been declared Hollywood highest paid actress two times. Apart from this, she is known for her humanitarian efforts and has won three Golden awards also. Angelina Jolie promotes various causes alike education,human rights and is most noted for her advocacy on behalf of refugees as a Special Envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
She is divorced from actors Jonne Lee Miller, Billy Bob Thortnton and Brad Pitt. Together, she and Brad Pitt have six children, three of whom were adopted internationally. Let’s check out Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie and check her stars from her Horoscope.
Horoscope Birth Chart Detail of Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is a daughter of actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She is sister of actor James Haven and the niece of singer-songwriter Chip Taylor. Below, Angelina Jolie Birth Details are given below.
04 June 1975
09.09 hrs
Los Angeles
Astrological Analysis of Horoscope – Angelina Jolie Birth Chart
Angelina Jolie is Cancer Ascendant Rising sign. In Angelina Jolie Birth Chart, we can Venus is well placed in the Ascendant in her horoscope. See the Astrologically role of Venus, Moon and Jupiter plays in her life.

Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie has Leo Rising sign in Navamsa Chart. Venus is placed in the Ascendant in Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie.
Physical Appearance of Angelina Jolie by her Horoscope
Astrologer must consider the Ascendant rising sign both in Birth as well as Navamsha Chart to see the physical appearance. Check out the Astrological analysis of Angelina Jolie from her Horoscope.
- In Birth Chart, if Venus is in Ascendant, it makes one beautiful and attractive.
- Here, Venus is in Ascendant in Birth and Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie which makes her very beautiful.
- Venus in Ascendant can give curly and black hairs. Angelina Jolie got curly hairs.
- Presence of Venus in first house both in Birth as well as Navamsha chart makes poeple gets attract towards her. That’s one of the reasons apart from her acting skills and charitable nature for being so popular and being followed up.
- Benefic planet in Kendra is always consider good. There is one benefic planet in Ascendant in birth chart and two benefic planets are in Kendra in Navamsha Chart. Malefic Saturn is placed in the tenth house in Navamsha chart which brought issues in her love marriage life.
- Venus in ascendant ensures success in all actions.
- Jupiter connects both in birth chart as well as Navamsha Chart. So, it gives her bright yellow complexion and chocolate brown hair.
- Moon in Pisces gives charming eyes. Angelina Jolie has beautiful eyes.
Nature, Heart and Soul of Angelina Jolie by Astrology
To see the nature, heart and soul of Angelina Jolie consider various Astrological points. See Birth Chart and other concern divisional charts.
- See the Ascendant rising sign in Birth as well as Navamsha Chart.
- Consider the Ascendant lord placement in which house and which sign.
- Moon in astrology is consider as Mind. See Moon placed in which sign, house etc.
- Consider planets that makes connection with Ascendant, Ascendant Lord, Moon, Moon sign lord as well as Navamsha Chart.
- See also the fourth house as it represents heart, feelings etc.
- Consider Trine lords.
Astrological Analysis of Horoscope of Angelina Jolie
In Astrology, everything began Ascendant. Consider the rising sign in Birth Chart in a horoscope. Below i am sharing my Astrological Analysis of Angelina Jolie Horoscope.
- Cancer is rising sign in Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie which makes her emotional.
- Angelina Jolie Ascendant lord is Moon which is in watery sign which makes her emotional.
- Plus placement of Venus in Ascendant, shows she expects love and support from her near and dears.
- This Venus in Ascendant gives her sweet nature also.
- Jupiter aspects the Ascendant, it blesses the person with Satwik nature.
- Placement of Jupiter in Ninth house shows birth of son and increase in charitable deeds.
- Ascendant lord is placed in the Ninth house conjunct with ninth house lord. Ninth house is the house of Dharma, Religion due to which she loves doing charity.
- Trine lords in birth chart of Angelina Jolie got connection with each other as they are conjunct together in her ninth house.
- Jupiter is the planet of Divine Grace, optimism and philosophy and its lord of ninth house also which is the house of Fortune..
- Planet Jupiter plays very vital role in her life as it influence Ascendant and Ascendant lord in Angelina Jolie Birth as well as Navamsha Chart.
Astrological reason – Why Angelina Jolie loves so much kids
Angelina Jolie got total six kids, out of which three kids are adopted. Let’s see from Angelina Jolie Horoscope that is using Birth Chart, Navamsha Chart and Saptamsha Chart.

- Moon is mind connected with fifth house lord Mars in Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie.
- Ascendant lord Moon is in close degree conjunction with Mars fifth house lord in Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie. Plus This Moon and Mars are again conjunct together in Navamsha Chart.
- Jupiter signifactor of children is conjunct not just with fifth house lord Mars but also with Moon who is Ascendant lord in Angelina Jolie Birth Chart.
- In Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie, Ascendant lord is Sun which again receives aspect of Jupiter who is fifth house lord.
- In Saptamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie, Ascendant lord is Saturn which is in mutual aspect with fifth house Mercury.
- Presence of benefic Planets in Saptamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie shows Angelina Jolie desire and loves towards children.
- Maha Dasha Lord is Venus which is placed in the Ascendant of Birth Chart, Navamsha Chart, Saptamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie.
- Venus in birth chart of Angelina Jolie recieves aspect of Jupiter not just in Birth Chart but also Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie. Venus is conjunct with Jupiter in Saptamsha Chart.
Reason of Angelina Jolie to fall in Love – Relationship from her Horoscope
There is reason for everything. We can know desires of person after analyzing birth chart. Let’s see desires of Angelina Jolie from Astrology after considering her horoscope. Let’s examine why she desires to fall in Love, Relationship from her Birth Chart.
- When Venus is in Ascendant and Moon has connection with fifth house or its lord in Birth/Navamsha Chart,one may fall in love and relationship easily.
- In Angelina Jolie Birth Chart, Venus is in Ascendant and Moon is conjunct with Fifth house lord Mars.
- In Navamsha Chart of her, Moon is in the fifth house and Venus is in Ascendant.
- Placement of Venus in Ascendant makes one person desires to come in relationship. Remember Venus is the natural significator of Marriage that is Karaka.
- Moon is Mind and its conjunct with Fifth house lord Mars and it recieves aspect of seventh house lord Saturn.
- Seventh house lord Saturn aspects her Ascendant Lord that is Moon in her Birth Chart.
- Ascendant lord in Navamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie is in the eleventh house. This Ascendant lord aspects fifth house.
- Sun is the Ascendant lord in Navamsha Chart and it receives aspect of fifth house lord Jupiter from the Seventh house.
- Venus placed in the fifth house from Moon.
Angelina Jolie Moon sign
See Moon is placed in which sign as Moon is our emotions, mind. That’s why Moon should also be consider in horoscope while giving prediction. In Angelina Jolie Horoscope, Moon is placed in the Pisces sign.
- Moon in Pisces sign gives big head and charming eyes which Angelina Jolie has.
- When Moon is in Pisces sign it makes her learned person.
- Moon in Pisces gives well proportioned body. For this consider Astrologer must consider Ascendant and planets making connection with it.
- Angelina Jolie is very caring and does charity since she got Moon in Pisces sign. This is one of the reasons for it.
- Placement of Moon in benefic sign makes her soft hearted by nature.
Astrological Reason from Angelina Jolie for being humanitarian
Promise in Birth Chart in a horoscope should be cross check by Dasha also. Angelina Jolie is doing noble deeds by doing charity. She is known for her humanitarian efforts also. Let’s examine Astrological reasons for it by examining her horoscope.
- Benefic planet Venus placed in the Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie. This Venus is also in Ascendant in her Navamsha Chart also.
- Conjunction of Ninth house lord and Tenth house lord is known as Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga. In Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie, Ninth house lord is Jupiter and Tenth house lord is Mars which are conjunct together in her ninth house.
- From Moon also, same yoga of Dharma Karma Adhipati Yoga repeats. From Moon Ascendant, Mars is ninth house lord and Jupiter is tenth house lord. They are conjunct together that too in her ninth house from Moon.
- Moon is in benefic sign Pisces, Its also Ascendant lord in her birth Chart which is in the ninth house – house of Dharma and religious deeds.
- Ascendant lord Moon is conjunct with ninth house lord Jupiter in benefic sign of Jupiter.
- In Angelina Jolie Birth Chart, majority of planets are in Venus, Jupiter, Moon and Mercury sign. Only one planet is in Mars sign in birth chart of Angelina Jolie.
- Venus Maha Dasha which recieves aspect of Ninth house lord Jupiter.
To judge someone, consider Birth Chart as well as other Divisonal charts.
Astrological Analysis of Angelina Jolie as Actress from her Birth Chart, Horoscope
Angelina Jolie is famous actress in Hollywood. What makes her special actress, lets see from Angelina Jolie Horoscope. To have artistic talent, planets like Venus, Moon, Mercury should have connection with Ascendant, Third House, Fifth house, Tenth House or their lords in birth chart and concern divisional charts like Dashamsha Chart.
Read Astrological analysis of Birth, Navamsha Chart and Dashashma Chart that is D-10 in Horoscope of Angelina Jolie.
- Venus is in her Ascendant in birth chart of Angelina Jolie which shows her inclination may be towards acting or doing some creative work.
- Ascendant lord is Moon in Angelina Birth Chart which is conjunct with fifth house lord Mars which shows her creative and acting skills.
- Venus in ascendant can give artistic talent and Angelina Jolie is master in it.
- Placement of Venus in first house gives indication that person can be fond of wearing jewels. Not sure, whether she loves it or not, but Angelina Jolie is a jewellery designer also.
- Mercury aspects fifth house in Angelina Jolie Birth Chart.
- Moon aspects third house in Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie.
- Tenth House lord is Mars which is conjunct with Moon.
Analysis of Angelina Jolie Dashamsha Chart
Below i am sharing Dashamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie. Use above parameters to do astrological analysis of Angeline Jolie as an actress.

- In Dashamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie, Venus is in the Ascendant.
- Mercury is third house lord which makes connection with Ascendant of Dashamsha Chart in Angelina Jolie Horoscope.
- Sun is fifth house lord which is in mutual aspect with tenth house lord Saturn in Dashamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie Horoscope.
Yogas in the Horoscope – Birth Chart of Angelina Jolie
By Astrology, one can known when person will become rich and famous. For this one should have stronf Rajayogas, Dhanyogas to become rich and famous. Then comes the Dasha. See why she is so famous from her horoscope – birth chart.
- Fourth and Eleventh house lord that is Venus is in ascendant in birth chart of Angelina Jolie which is good to rise in life.
- Ascendant lord Moon is well placed in the ninth house in birth chart of Angelina Jolie which is the house of fortune.
- She got Lakshmi Yoga in her chart which makes her very wealthy.
- Ascendant, Fourth house and Eleventh house lord receives blessing of ninth lord Jupiter.
- Best thing about her Angelina Jolie Birth chart is that all Trine Lords are conjunct together.
- Ascendant lord of Angelina Jolie in her Birth Chart is conjunct with Fifth house lord and Tenth house Mars.
- Chandra Mangal Yoga is there in Angelina Horoscope birth chart which is considered good for financial point of view.
- Natural Benefic planet in Ascendant is always consider good. Venus benefic planet is in the Ascendant.
- She got good MahaDashas like Venus Mahadasha which is in Ascendant in Birth, Navamsha and Dashamasha Chart. D-10 is meant to see career.
- Sun Maha Dasha is second house lord Dasha well placed in the eleventh house – house of gains.
- Moon and Jupiter conjunction is known as Gaj- Kesari Yoga. Some Astrologer consider it Kesari yoga. This yoga gives name and fame.
- Her upcoming MD will be of Moon which will be good for her.
Change of Residence from Angelina Jolie Birth Chart
Angelina Jolie spent much of her childhood in New York before relocating to Los Angeles at age 11. Let’s look at Angelina Jolie Birth Chart and her Dasha which indicated change of residence from her horoscope.
Dasha – Mercury – Saturn
- Mercury is the Maha Dasha lord. Mercury is lord of third and twelfth house which indicates she may move or change her residence couple of times or even more than that.
- Saturn in Birth chart is placed in the twelfth house and its lord of seventh house.
In Chaturamsha Chart, D-4 Chart

- Mercury is third and twelfth house lord placed in eight house which indicates could be all of sudden change
- Saturn is placed in ninth house and is lord of seventh house.
Astrological Reason of Angelina Jolie dysfunctional relationship with her father
Angelina Jolie has had a lifelong dysfunctional relationship with her father, which began when Voight left the family when his daughter was less than a year old. See the astrological reason behind it from her Birth Chart.
- Ninth house is the house of father.
- In Angelina Jolie Birth Chart, Ninth house is under the malefic influence of Mars and Saturn. Mars and Saturn mutual aspect is not consider good. Here, sixth house lord is also placed though in own sign in ninth house which gives longevity to her father.
- Sun is consider as significator(karka) of father.
- In Angelina Jolie Horoscope, Sun is conjunct with Ketu which is not good.
To see about parents, Astrologer should consider Dwadashamsha Chart also.

- In Angelina Jolie Dwadashamsha Chart that is D-12 Chart, Sun is afflicted.
- Sun recieves aspect of Mars and Saturn.
- From Angelina Jolie Birth Chart as well as Dwadashamsha Chart, its clear that she will not have smooth relationship with her father.
- Saturn aspects the ninth house in Dwadamsha Chart of Angelina Jolie. This Saturn is in mutual aspect with Mars.
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