Life Partner Prediction
With the help of Astrology, an astrologer can give prediction of your Future Life Partner from one natal chart. Astrologer can also give prediction when native will get married. Everyone desires to have perfect love partner, but not all are lucky as few. Astrologer can predict about physical appearance of Future Life Partner also. By Astrology, astrologer can also predict about the nature of your Future Life Partner.
To give any kind of prediction about Future Life Partner – astrologer must consider Marriage house and its lord plus significator(karka) also. Using concerned divisional chart also.
Which house in Astrology should be considered primarily for giving prediction related to Future Life Partner
In Astrology, seventh house is the house of Life Partner. Seventh house is the main house which should be considered for Future Life Partner prediction or for your married life partner prediction.
See the zodiac sign that’s falls in the seventh house in Birth Chart as well as in concerned divisional chart. It can be any sign from Aries to Pisces. Every sign is ruled by planet. I am sharing it below:
- Aries: Mars
- Taurus : Venus
- Gemini : Mercury
- Cancer: Moon
- Leo : Sun
- Virgo : Mercury
- Libra : Venus
- Scorpio : Mars
- Sagittarius : Jupiter
- Capricorn : Saturn
- Aquarius : Saturn
- Pisces : Jupiter
Prediction of Future Life Partner Characteristics by Astrology:
To give prediction all about Future Life Partner by Astrology, Astrologer must keep various points in his/her mind.
- See the sign that falls in the seventh house which is considered house for Life Partner. Seventh house is the main house that must be considered to give any prediction related to Future Life Partner.
- Check if any planet is placed in the seventh house. Astrologer consider planet placed in the seventh house while giving prediction of Life Partner.
- In Astrology, planets got aspects also. Consider if any planet aspects seventh house as that planet will influence your spouse behavior while giving prediction for Life Partner.
- See seventh house lord placement in which house and see the sign also.
- Read the concern divisional chart which is Navamsha Chart that is D-9 Chart. To give prediction of spouse, D-9 that is Navamsha Chart must be considered.
- In Navamsha Chart, (D-9) see the zodiac sign that falls in the seventh house of Navamsha Chart which will give result related to Life Partner.
- Consider result of planet if any placed in the seventh house and if any planet aspects seventh house or its lord in Navamsha Chart. Navamsha Chart is very important divisonal chart which must be considered for all predictions related to Future Love Life Partner or marriage life partner.
- Also, see the seventh house lord placement that is house and sign. Also, see the conjunction.
- Must see Venus in birth chart as well as Navamsha Chart for Life Partner. To give prediction of Future Life Partner, Venus must be consider as it is the significator for marriage.
- In Jaimini Astrology, See the second house from UP-Pada for Life Partner characteristic.
- Seventh house from Karkamsha Lagna for Future life partner prediction.
Prediction of Life Partner by Astrology on the basis of Zodiac sign
Zodiac sign that falls in the seventh house has to be considered for prediction regarding Future Life Partner. Any zodiac sign can fall in the seventh house in Birth and Navamsha Chart. See result of zodiac sign that falls in the seventh house.
Prediction of Future Life Partner if Aries Zodiac Sign in seventh house by Astrology
Aries sign in seventh house, an astrologer can predict that your Future Life Partner can be quite energetic and may take action spontaneously. They like their own independence and love to face challenges. Life Partner may be bold, passionate and can have temper issues also. In Astrology, Aries is the first zodiac sign.
Prediction of Future Life Partner when Taurus Sign in seventh house by Astrology
Taurus Zodiac sign in seventh house indicates that your Life partner prefer sticking to their thought process and can be quite stubborn. Future Love partner- may be quite sensual and may get attracted towards beauty/luxurious things easily. Don’t challenge them as they got strong opinion. Astrologer can predict that native need to be careful and Keep in mind that your Love Partner seek security, stability and safety in their relationship.
In Astrology, Taurus Zodiac sign is the first fixed zodiac sign.
Future Life Partner Prediction by Astrology if Gemini sign is in seventh house
If Gemini sign falls in seventh house, then your Future Love Partner will be intelligent and expressive. Love Partner will be quick-witted, sociable and dual minded also. They want good communication. If you want to have good relationship with your Love Partner then be expressive to them. Gemini is a dual sign in Astrology.
Prediction of Future Life Partner when Cancer sign in seventh house by Astrology
Those who got cancer sign in seventh house in their chart- expect their Love Partner to be quite emotional and sweet in nature. Love partner may have mood swings problem and may not be able to handle things well due to their emotional reasons. You need to nurture them. In Astrology, Cancer is movable sign and watery sign also.
Future Life Partner Prediction if Leo sign in seventh house by Astrology
In seventh house, if Leo sign is there, it indicates that your Future Love Partner will not like others to interfere much in his/her life decisions. Life Partner may be quite dominating, firm minded and can’t be dictated. Leo Zodiac sign is the second fixed sign as well as fiery sign in Astrology.
Prediction of characteristic of Future Life Partner if Virgo sign in seventh house by Astrology
If you got Virgo zodiac sign in seventh house in your birth chart, it indicates that your Love Partner will be intelligent, analytical and practical person. Your Love Partner will point out even small mistakes done by you. So be on your toes and try to work systematically. In Astrology, Virgo sign is fixed zodiac sign and earthy sign also.
Prediction of Nature of Future Life Partner if Libra sign in seventh house by Astrology
Your Future Love Partner will be charming and peace maker when you got libra zodiac sign in seventh house in your birth chart. Your Love Partner will love justice, peace and order and will weigh pros and cons before taking decision properly. In Astrology, Libra Zodiac sign is one of the movable sign as well as airy sign.
Nature of Future Life Partner prediction when Scorpio sign in seventh house by Astrology
When you got Scorpio sign in seventh house, it indicates that your Future Love Partner can be secretive and possessive. They can be fickle minded and may be inclined towards sensual things that is pleasure seeking. They can be research oriented and may have high intitutive capacity. In Astrology, Scorpio sign is fixed sign as well as watery sign also.
Prediction of Life Partner if Sagittarius sign in seventh house by Astrology
In seventh house, Sagittarius sign denotes that your Love Partner will be target oriented, optimistic, philanthropist and adventurous. Problem can be with your Love Partner can be of overindulgent and reckless. In Astrology, Sagittarius sign is one of the fiery and dual sign also.
Prediction of Future Life Partner if Capricorn sign in seventh house by Astrology
Capricorn zodiac sign if falls in seventh house, it indicates your Love Partner will be ambitious and hardworking. They are disciplined and practical. In Astrology, Capricorn sign is one of the movable and earthy sign.
Prediction of Life Partner if Aquarius sign in seventh house by Astrology
Aquarius sign if falls in seventh house, it indicates your Life Partner will like to stick to their thought and principles. Your Life Partner may have good height and will have philosophical point of view. In Astrology, Aquarius sign is one of the fixed sign as well as airy sign.
Prediction of Life Partner if Pisces sign in seventh house by Astrology
If you got Pisces sign in your seventh house, expect your Love Partner could be philosophical. Future Life Partner may be imaginative and may love to do charity. Your Love Partner may be too emotional and may lack self-confidence like being nervous. Its quite possible that Love Partner of this native may be creative and artistic also. In Astrology, Pisces is one the Dual sign as well as watery sign.
Prediction of Future Life Partner by Astrology on the basis of planets placement in the seventh house
Love Partner nature or characterstic prediction will be differ on the basis of planet placed in the seventh house in Birth Chart or Navamsha Chart. In Astrology, there are total nine planets out of which two are show planets that is Rahu and Ketu.
Prediction of Future Love Partner Nature, Characteristic when Sun is placed in the seventh house
- Sun in seventh house expect your Future Love Partner will be ambitious person.
- Future Life Partner may have some health issues.
- Placement of Sun in seventh house generally delays Marriage.
- Expect your Love Partner to be on dominating side.
- Love Partner may be good manager if Sun gets aspect by benefic planets.
- Sun also represents father. Father will directly influence in your marriage life specially when ninth house lord also gets involved.
- In Astrology, Placement of Sun in general is not considered good for spouse or be relationship with your Love Partner.
- General prediction, there will be issues in Marriage life when Sun is in seventh house.
- Sun in seventh house is not considered good for marriage point of view. It indicates your Love Partner may have some health issues.
- If Sun in seventh house then it makes strained relationship with your Love Partner specially when it receives aspect of hardcore malefic planets.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Moon is placed in the seventh house
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Moon is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- The native who got Moon in seventh house expect their Future Life Partner to be devoted person.
- Life Partner will have mood swings issues specially when Moon is weak like Pakshbal like waxing/waning Moon.
- Astrologer can give prediction that your Love Partner will be beautiful.
- Affectionate Life Partner
- Life Partner may have big and deep eyes.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Mars is placed in the seventh house
When Mars is placed in the seventh house in your Birth Chart, it makes you Mangalik.
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Mars is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Placement of Mars in the seventh house give indication that Life Partner can be quite energetic.
- Mars is planet of aggression which means if Life Partner is ignored, that native is inviting trouble.
- Future Life Partner may have aggressive personality.
- Afflicted Mars in this seventh house denotes disputes and unpleasant conditions in marriage life.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Mercury is placed in the seventh house
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Mercury is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Life Partner may look younger in age
- Your Future Life Partner will be intelligent and communicative.
- When you have Mercury placed in the seventh house, astrologer can predict that your Life Partner will be logical.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Jupiter is placed in the seventh house
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Jupiter is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Placement of Jupiter in seventh house gives good and faithful Life Partner.
- Expect your Future Life Partner to be fair and may have yellow complexion.
- Life Partner will be from respectable family.
- Arrange marriage chances will be high.
- With placement of Jupiter in seventh house in own sign or benefic sign, an astrologer can predict that Life Partner will be loyal and devoted. If malefic planets aspects it, then result may differ. Result will vary depending upon the strength of Jupiter also.
- If Jupiter is in seventh house, astrologer can predict about Life Partner like may be little bulky.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Venus is placed in the seventh house
- Placement of Venus in seventh house is considered good for marriage life.
- Gives a beautiful Future Life Partner.
- Afflicted Venus can give immoral Spouse.
- The native is sensuous.
- If Venus is in seventh house, then astrologer can predict that native and his/her Life Partner will be fond of music, arts and luxurious life.
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Saturn is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Placement of Saturn in seventh house generally gives late marriage.
- Its quite possible that your Future Life Partner may not be charming personality. When Saturn is like under malefic influence.
- There is possibility of less of sexual urge in your Life Partner.
- Spouse may be well disciplined and organised. If its weak Saturn or under malefic influence, then result may be vice versa.
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Rahu is placed in the seventh house
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Rahu is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Placement of Rahu in seventh house is not considered good for marriage point of view.
- There is one popluar saying when Rahu is in seventh house, one may do marriage out of caste which is not correct. Result depends on Rahu dispositor placement and if any planet is conjunct with Rahu.
- There is possibility of your spouse may have short temper specially when Rahu is in fiery sign and its dispositor is also in fiery sign.
- When Rahu is in seventh house, your spouse may face health issues like infections in generative organs.
- As per Classics, Seventh house Rahu- man and women are prone to suffer from diseases like piles, diabetes etc
Prediction of Future Life Partner Nature, Characteristic by Astrology when Ketu is placed in the seventh house
Read the prediction of what might be spouse nature or characterstic by Astrology, when Ketu is placed in the seventh house be in Birth or Navamsha Chart.
- Placement of Ketu in seventh house is not consider auspicious.
- Ketu generally brings detachment. Lot depends on Ketu dispositor and conjunction.
- Married life pleasures are less specially when Ketu is conjunct with malefics in seventh house or its dispositor is ill placed and is under malefic planet influence.
- Native himself/herself may face problem in intestine.
- Your Life Partner may have interest towards spirituality.
- If Ketu is under benefic influence like let’s say Ketu recieves aspect of benefic planet like Jupiter, then Ketu will bring good result related to seventh house and future Life Partner.
Case Study of Prediction of Future Life Partner by Astrology
I am sharing here case study of Prediction of Future Life Partner from one of the chart mentioned below. I am sharing point wise of how I gave prediction of Future Life Partner via astrology.
See prediction of Future Life Partner by Astrology
In birth chart, see seventh house first.
Result of Gemini in seventh house
- Gemini is an airy and dual sign which means Life Partner may not be able to take decisions quickly reason being they can be in two minds.
- Life Partner will have good intellectual quality.
- Expect your Future Life Partner may love to travel and may be fond of reading.
- Your Life Partner may be curious to know new things.
- Gemini sign falls in the seventh house which indicates spouse will have Gemini sign characteristic.
- Life Partner will be fond of reading or writing, logical, artistic, wavering mind and nervous.
See the sign where seventh house lord is placed that is Virgo Sign
Virgo Sign
- Future Life Partner will be quite intelligent, analytical, quick witted, cautious, economical, loves music fine and arts.
Appearance of Future Life Partner – Handsome and attractive personality, Fair complexion, broad chest, straight pointed nose,
See planets that is placed in the seventh house – Here there is no planet in the seventh house.
There is no planet that aspects seventh house – No planet aspects seventh house.
Prediction of Future Life Partner by Astrology after considering seventh house lord and its conjunction
- Seventh house lord that is Mercury is conjunct with Sun who is ninth house lord.
- It indicates Future Life Partner may be from good family or spouse may be religious also.
- Seventh house lord Mercury doesn’t receive any aspect of any planet.
- Add signification of Sun – that is Life Partner may be from respectable family and may have ego issues.
- See the sign where seventh house lord Mercury is placed- Here Seventh house lord is placed in the Virgo sign – which makes one spouse practical and person may not be too luxurious.
- Life Partner may like to save money more and may not be brand conscious also.
- Seventh house lord is Mercury placed in the tenth house which means Life Partner of this person is likely to rise in future after marriage takes place.
Sun-Mercury conjunction
- This conjunction is known as Budh Aditya yoga.
- This yoga is quite powerful as Mercury is in its exaltation sign.
- On the basis of above, Astrologer can give prediction regarding Future Life Partner will be very calculative and spouse will be able to quickly comprehend what they are reading and learning.
- Here seventh house lord is in tenth house one of the most powerful house.
(Here mercury is not combust – degree wise)
Determination of Physical Complexion of Future Life Partner by Astrology
In Astrology, see the planets that makes connection with seventh house and seventh house lord in Birth and Navamsha Chart to give prediction regarding Future Life Partner.
- Sun + Mercury are conjunct together– gives spouse wheatish complexion.
- Since Mercury is powerful as placed in own sign – person may look younger in age.
In Navamasha Chart
- To see physical complexion of Future Life Partner, consider seventh house of Navamsha Chart as well as its lord.
- See sign that falls in seventh house – Capricorn.
- Capricorn doesn’t give good height. Capricorn is one of practical sign which means Life Partner will be practical.
- Saturn in seventh house – makes love partner hardworking.
- Mars aspect this seventh house and seventh house lord. This Mars is debilitated which indicates Life Partner may have anger issues.
Prediction of Future Life Partner in Astrology from Navamsha Chart
Consider the sign in the seventh house in Navamsha Chart. Then see the planets placed in the seventh house and planets aspecting seventh house or its lord.
Capricorn Sign
- Your Future Life Partner will be Hardworking
- Astrologer can give prediction like your Life Partner will be Practical as Capricorn is one of the earthy and Practical signs.
- You will have reliable Life Partner.
- Your Life Partner will have good organizing skills
- Nature of your Life Partner will be Cautious and will have Generous attitude.
Saturn in Capricorn Sign
- Life Partner can be ambitious, learned, talented, can be fond of travelling, serious nature.
- Saturn receives aspect of Mars which makes Life Partner impatient.
- Since malefic is in ascendant of Navamsha Chart and Malefic aspects Navamsha Chart, it indicates natal whose chart you are reading, may have some health issues.
Saturn in seventh house
- Saturn in seventh house gains the directional strength.
- There is possibility that native may have Life Partner who is more organised and discipline.
- Those who have Saturn in seventh house, expect their Future Life Partner can be quite hardworking.
In Navamsha Chart
- Saturn and Mars mutual aspect is not consider good.
- Here it’s in one – seven axis of Navamsha Chart, which is not good for relationship with Life Partner.
- But Saturn is in own house in seventh house and Jupiter aspects ascendant of Navamsha Chart.
- Ascendant lord of Navamsha Chart is in fourth house and doesn’t recieve aspect of any malefic planet.
Prediction of Life Partner in Astrology From UP-Pada
In Astrology, prediction of Life Partner should also be considered from Up-Pada. This is part of Jaimini Astrology.
- Second house receives aspect of Mercury and Sun both.
- Second house lord Mercury is in own house.
Prediction of Life Partner from Karakamsha Lagna
The planet which holds highest degree excluding Rahu and Ketu is Atma Karka. See that planet it goes in which sign in Navamsha Chart. That sign in birth chart will be considered as Karkamsha Ascendant/Lagna. In Astrology, when astrologer has to give prediction of Life Partner nature, then he/she should also see the seventh house from it.
- There is no planet in seventh house.
- Seventh house lord is Jupiter which is conjunct with Ketu which indicates Life Partner may be from spiritual family.
(Since benefic planet aspects it, then it give assurance of happiness from Life Partner and children.)
Now combine result of Prediction of Future Life Partner by Astrology from Birth Chart & Navamsha Chart
- Seventh house lord is Mercury placed in Virgo sign which is one of fixed and earthy sign.
- In Navamsha Chart, seventh house lord is Saturn which is in Capricorn sign again fixed and earthy sign.
- Which means Life Partner overall will have fixed thoughts and if they are challenged, spouse may not like it at all.
- Both are practical sign, so person will like to save money and may be focussing more on his work, career.
- Physical appearance of Life Partner – Sun + Mercury in birth chart gives wheatish complexion and below average height.
- Capricorn sign in Navamsha indicates short height again, but good thick hairs. Mars aspects it makes Future Life Partner having less temperament.
- Overall height of her husband is 5’3” and in India avg height for male is 5’7”.
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