5 Card Tarot Spread-Relationship Prediction
5 Card Tarot spread is one of the popular tarot card spread that tarot readers can use for predictions for issues like marriage- love,relationship,career etc. Best thing of this Tarot Card spread is that it sheds light not only on the past, present and future of the concerned topic (problem) but also on the action and guidance which helps querent to sort out his/her problem and helps to reach near to his/her goal.In this article, i will share this card spread for querent related to the Marriage-Love, Relationship possibility.
This article of 5 Card Tarot Spread got published in magazine – The StarsTeller.
Layout of Five Card Tarot Spread
We can see layout of 5 Card Tarot Spread above – where one card each is pick up for Past,Present, Future, Action & Guidance. We can use this spread for topics like Love, Marriage, Career, Finance etc.
Card 1: The Past
The card that comes in this position will tell about the past situation for the topic/issue.
Card 2: The Present
The present card will reveal what’s all happening currently. It can be good or bad, depends on the card that comes in this position. See the card that has come in the past position and it might be showing any similarity with the present card. See how things are moving from past to the present. It gives a clue where situation might be leading. Many times it is possible that there is a pattern between the past card and present card
Card 3: The Future
The card that comes in this position will depict the possibility where situation is leading towards. It tells the outcome mainly. Even if the outcome is negative, don’t panic. Try to follow the action and guidance that might be able to help you out.
Card 4: Action in 5 Card Tarot Spread
The fourth number card in 5 Card Tarot Spread position helps in guiding the querent to follow the right action/path which will help him/her to reach to their objective.
Card 5: Guidance in 5 Card Tarot Spread
The 5 card that comes in 5 Card Tarot Spread is of the guidance which will clarify things for the querent. Card in this position will give the hints and clue that querent must follow, this card will bring awareness.
Prediction by 5 Card Tarot Spread for Marriage-Love, Relationship
I am sharing one of my case study for prediction of Marriage-Love, Relationship of lady who is married with the help of 5 Card Tarot Spread which i did for her Tarot Card Reading. She love someone else, but what will happen in future. Lets check out below.
Card 1: The Hermit- Past Position in 5 Card Tarot Spread for Marriage-Relationship

The Hermit card came in the Past position in this 5 Card Tarot Spread for the Marriage, Love- Relationship Reading which is not a good sign, reason being as this is the card of isolation and loneliness. In this Tarot card we can see only dull color, no one in relationship would like this type of card in a relationship reading. We can see an old man who is separated from society in this card.
The Hermit Card represents Virgo Zodiac Sign. Virgo is the sign where Venus gets debilitated. Venus is the signification of Marriage and luxuries. This card shows some gap between both of them in the past. This gap could be emotionally/mentally/physically. There may be difference in nature or opinion of partner from love partner.
Card 2: Ace of Cups-Marriage-Relationship – Present Position in 5 Card Tarot Spread

Ace of cups is a good Tarot card when it comes in a relationship reading and it came in the present situation in 5 Card Tarot Spread for the lady. This card in a Marriage – Love, Relationship reading shows possibility that your love partner may take care of your feelings and may try to do things that brings happiness on the face of love partner. This is the card of emotional fulfillment.
When you compare the card that has come in present with the past card, it shows there is improvement in the current time and relationship. Now let’s wait for the card that comes in the future also.
Card 3: Seven of swords- Future Marriage-Love,Relationship

Seven of swords in a Marriage -Love, Relationship tarot reading comes, then the querent need to be very careful and alert. This Card came in future reading -. which indicates shows the possibility of getting cheat up as this is the card of dishonesty. Love Partner can be quite cunning and may be misleading his/her love partner. Your partner could be dual faced also.
Card 4: King of Swords – Action in 5 Card Tarot Spread

The fourth card that comes in 5 card Tarot Spread is of the Action and here King of swords came in for her Marriage-Love, Relationship reading and this card ask the querent to be strong enough to take action. This card asks her to be clear of what she is seeking. She should take decision only after analyzing all the aspects rather than being emotional at this moment.
She needs to be mentally strong and have clear thought in her mind to face the challenges that come ahead. Here the challenge is to detach herself from him which she is not able to as of now when she took reading from me online. She needs to be clear and precise and need to have rational approach. Don’t take decision in haste.
Above card that came in action (keeping in mind the future card that came), clearly ask her to use her mind over heart.
Card 5: Guidance in 5 Card Tarot Spread for Marriage-Love, Relationship- The Emperor

The last card in 5 Card Tarot Spread is of the Guidance.
The Emperor card came in for Marriage-Love,Relationship reading.which asks the querent to be more rigid and disciplined. This card clearly ask not to take decision on the emotional ground. She needs to take leadership in her hand that is she needs to take a bold step & not to rely on love partner decision. Need to take control of the situation in her hand.
Outcome of her Marriage-Love,Relationship Tarot Card Reading
- This lady is already married, but she is not happy with her married life and she took online Tarot Card Reading from me.
- She was dating a guy and that guy is also married.
- He all of sudden got vanished in the past and there was no connection between them for a while. Presently he came back in her life and now calls her regularly.
- I told her possibility of this love -relationship coming to an end and due to it, she may feel being left out and being alone and hurt .
- I don’t see the future of this relationship. She told since he is married, she asks him to divorce his wife in the past, which he denied.
- She said in the present also, but he was not willing to talk on it. Now she also feels that he won’t divorce his wife and now she is asking her regularly, but all the time he is avoiding this question.
- Even she now is realizing after my reading and conversation with him, that he won’t divorce his wife as he love his kids.
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