Love Tarot Spread- Marriage Prediction

One of my regular client from US took online tarot card reading to know about her marriage life prediction by using love tarot spread. This lady got married 11 years back. We will see her overall marriage life and the obstacles that she may be facing in her marriage life, where she needs to focus, what she need to careful of, her desires and fear in marriage life.
Layout out of Love Tarot Spread for Marriage Prediction

1) Prediction of Overall Marriage Life so far – Four of Swords in Love Tarot Spread

First Card in this Love Tarot Spread will give prediction of her overall Marriage Life when the querent has approached you. Swords cards are considered as not good for any relationships or marriage life. Four of Swords when it comes in Love-Relationship- Marriage is not a good card and is not at all welcome. This is the card of obstacles and it shows delay. It shows lack of harmony or one partner may not be spending good or quality time with partner and shows the possibility of gap between the two love partners. This gap can be physical gap also.
Client told – Her husband works in navy and is away from home most of the time. Card clearly shows this incident. Apart from gap physically there is also a gap emotionally and mentally as well, there is no strong bonding between both of them.
2) Second Card in Love Tarot Spread – Prediction of Issues in Marriage Life – The Devil Card

In this love Tarot Spread, Second card will depict the issues and problem in her marriage life.
The Devil card in a love- relationship, marriage tarot card reading is a not a good card at all. The Devil card is one of most unwanted card. This is the card of obsession and it shows thirst for physical relationship (sex), money or power. Situation is not good when it comes in relationship reading, as it shows unhealthy situation. The Devil card shows possibility of even extra martial affair. Her husband is a regular drinker also.
She told me they both had very less physical relationship together and she had made physical relations after marriage with many others including male and female. Also she told me that her husband also had physical relations with someone else.
3) What to focus on Marriage Life immediately – Five of Pentacles in Love Tarot Spread

Third card in love tarot spread will give clue of what’s going to happen immediately in marriage life. If five of pentacles card comes in a Love, Relationship, Marriage reading or in future position, it’s not a good card and shows the financial issues or loss or even can show adverse situation like poverty. This is the card that also indicates one may be feeling helpless or having a feeling like one is being left out.
Her husband is working in navy and he had been transferred to some other state with family and they were being homeless due to some reasons for 25 days aprrox. They stayed at their relatives place during that time. Household items were to be transferred by ship but due to some unavoidable reasons the delivery got stuck up.
Also, they were able to save less, as with the same amount of income; they had to survive in comparatively expensive state now. These 25 days were not easy for them at all.
(In this time period, few days back husband came back and they are now living together and husband is spending time with family also).
I asked her, husband is now living with you now days, she was surprised how could I figure it out.
4) Recent Past in Marriage Life– The Empress in Love Tarot Spread

In Love Tarot Spread – Fourth card shows recent past in marriage life which could be considered with a varying time span like just even 3 months or even upto 4/5 years. The Empress Card is a good card recent past in marriage reading.
The Empress Card in Love-Relationship- Marriage Card Reading indicates prosperity and one may had a good time period in the past. This card indicates growth, harmony and abundance. This card predicts one may be living a comfortable life and having luxuries in life. Possibility of motherhood. It shows one may get interest in occult science and she also got interested in occult during this period.
5) What is good in your Marriage Life – Ace of Swords

In love Tarot Spread, tarot card reader can know good things in marriage-love life. Ace of Swords card in Love-Relationship, Marriage Reading shows that person has new/innovative ideas to solve the problem. She may have good communication skills or may be quite energetic to face the problem rather than running away from it.
6) Prediction of Immediate Future of her Marriage Life– Eight of cups

Eight of Cups is not a good card when it comes in any Love-Relationship, Marriage Reading and it indicates some more troubled/painful time period that she may have to go through. It shows disappointment whether it’s in finances, home wise, career or be even in relationship. Client husband came back but again he is drinking and still not all well between both of them.
7) Suggested approach in Marriage Life– King of Swords in Love Tarot Spread

Best thing about Love Tarot Spread is that it guides the querent what approach querent must follow and here in case of marriage life prediction, King of Swords asks to be clear of what you are seeking. Need to take decision only after analyzing all the aspects.
Show the mind power. Have clear thought. Don’t lose the power/strength and face the challenges that come ahead. Be clear and precise. Need to have rational approach. Follow equality. Don’t take decision in haste.
8) What you need to know – Nine of Cups

Nine of cups is known as the wish card. You should know and realize the aspect that bring happiness in your life for a longer period of time. It’s asking to you identify the real source of happiness. It’s also asking you to keep a check on your goals and wishes and re-examine it.
In a relationship reading, nine of cups card shows the possibility one partner may be having a lot of wishes and desires and expects the love partner to fulfill them.
This card is asking or reminding to accept the limitations or short comings of partner and move ahead making some compromises. Don’t just think only about yourself. It might be possible your love partner may not be up to the mark but you should accept the fact that everyone is not perfect. Try and make some more adjustments in the relationship. Have patience.
9) Hopes and Fears for Marriage Life – The Hermit

In this card, we can see an old man who is separated from society. This card has only dull colors, there are no bright colors but the clients wants her life to be full of colors. If the Hermit Card comes in a Love-Relationship-Marriage Reading : It shows the fear of being isolated. There is a fear of being alone and left out in the relationship.
The Hermit Card is a Virgo Zodiac Sign. Virgo is the sign where Venus gets debiliated. Venus is the significator of Marriage and luxuries.
Now she what happens when The Hermit Card comes in Relationship Reading:
- She doesn’t like her husband to point out her small mistakenly done errors but he does just the opposite. He always pin point even smallest of her mistake.
- Desires to live her life in a stylish manner and expect her husband to give her surprises like going out for dinners but unfortunately he doesn’t do anything sort of this.
- Her nature is kind and loves to do charity as per her pocket but her husband doesn’t like these things.
- Loves doing something creative things or being more communicative but her husband doesn’t like this and has quite opposite nature.
- She has a fear being alone as he is out most of the time. She feels bad and depressed.
- Even if she is with her, there is not the bonding that normally should be there between husband and wife. There is also lack of physical relationship between her and her husband and she doesn’t like it at all.
10) Prediction of overall Marriage Life – Eight of pentacles in Love Tarot Spread

Final Card in Love Tarot Spread will give prediction of overall marriage life of querent. This is the card where we can see a man putting a lot of efforts and concentrating towards the work quite closely. Eight of Pentacles in a Love- Relationship-Marriage reading comes, it shows one’s need to work quite hard towards relationship. This is a time consuming process as this card shows. It means she has to put efforts over a long period of time. Finance is also very vital in relationship and there is a possibility that both may need to work hard on earning and saving money. They need to pay attention to minute details for making married life more joy able and better/wonderful. You may need to support your partner financially.
Book your Tarot Card Reading for Love/Marriage Relationship, Career, Heath etc:
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