Pick a Card – May’ 2020 Predictions

Here, you can pick a card to know your May Month 2020 predictions. Before you pick a Card, you need to relax. If you are feeling anxious, drink some water or play some music to get relax. Then pick and choose the card number in your mind. When you are done with it, write this number in the comment section. This is generalized predictions. Pick any number card from 1 to 12. Why twelve cards? There are 12 Zodiac/Moon signs.
It might be possible there may be lockdown in your state/country due to coronavirus effect in year 2020. Be safe and don’t move out unless there is some kind of urgency. Use mask and wash your hand with sanitizer. stay safe.
First Number Card for May’ 2020
If you have choose number one card, there may be forceful changes or circumstances which you may come across this month May’2020. Things are not likely to go as per your desires, infact it may go in opposite direction. You need to be very careful and watchful in this month. If you are student, then don’t take your studies lightly. If you are working, please be careful at your work place.
Second Number Card for May’2020
In this May’2020 month, you may not be happy with the opportunities that you have or coming your way in this month. You have already made up your mind/decision reason being you are discontented. Reconsider your decision and evaluate all the limited options that you have. Look for the opportunities which is still there. At times, we don’t have the options that we are looking for, but still we need to choose from options that we got.
Third Number card for May’2020
The ones who picked number 3 card, this May’2020 may prove good for you. There could be positive changes and opportunities may come in this month. Break free of old habits, then you will be able to see things more clearly. This is the month of revaluation. You need to listen to your inner self to make this month more beneficial for you.
Fourth Number Card for May’2020
If you have selected the fourth number card for May 2020 it indicates – You have already made some achievements in the past, but you want to achieve more. New ideas are on the way. What you need is to set your goals for and you can achieve it also. It’s time to explore future possibilities by seeking new adventure. You have talent, knowledge. What you need is to implement the plans into action.
Fifth Card for May’ 2020
This is a good time period for you if you have pick card number five for May’2020. You may enjoy the time period. In this month, you will be more energetic and enthusiastic. With clear thinking and the power of positive thinking you can achieve the success this month. This month, you are on your way to achieve your goals.
Sixth Number Card for May’ 2020 predictions
If you have select the number sixth card for May – 2020, then expect good time for you. There may be some kind of achievement this month. You may spend some good time with your family. If you are student, you may do well this month. If you are not in any relationship, then you may come in relationship this month. Depends on the lockdown also. There is possibility of reunion may be among your friends/relatives/family.
Seventh Card for May’ 2020
This month – May’2020, there will be many things/ideas going in your mind. You might be confused about many things . There may be lack of focus this month due to scattered energies. You need to weight all factors carefully, before you reach to a focused decisions. Better for you to concentrate on single goal to achieve success.
Eighth Card for May’ 2020
Don’t live in the world of fantasy. It’s time you should listen to your near and dear ones before taking any major decisions on your life in this May’2020. You may be planning to do something new or coming with some new ideas. Better recheck your plan and thought process before you take a final call.
Ninth Card for May’ 2020
If you have choose the ninth card for May ‘2020, it indicates a good time period. You will be quite creative in this month. New ideas are on the way this month. New opportunities may come up. Follow your passion and you can excel well. You can be quite romantic this month.
Tenth Card for May’ 2020
If you have pick the card number tenth for May’2020 – it indicates success but with teamwork. Teamwork here indicates if you take the guidance of someone expert/senior, you may do well. The card shows initial success in your goal or plan. What you need is to pay attention to detail and you can achieve success through by your skills.
Eleventh Card for May’ 2020
The eleventh card pick by you for May’2020 shows that you will put up lot of efforts this month. But the target set by you is actually feasible or not, you need to think over. Trying many things at once, will not help you actually. Don’t carry that much load which you can’t bear actually. Better learn to delegate the work.
Twelfth Card for May’ 2020
If you have pick the last card that is card number 12 – Expect new opportunities will come in this Month ‘2020. It will be like start of new venture. Carry the confidence and enthusiastic approach. You feel inspired and motivated. Opportunity is being offered which shows good promise but you need to make most of it.
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